Adjustments and Manipulation


“An adjustment,” as doctors of chiropractic use the term, means the specific manipulation of one or more dysfunctional spinal or extremity or extremity joints. These abnormalities within the spinal column may cause irritability within the nervous system resulting from among other things: inflammation, trauma, or bio-mechanical problems.

Doctors of chiropractic spend years learning to examine the spine and understand the spine and understand the complex motions of the vertebrae. Additionally, they learn to administer a specific spinal adjustment. Additionally, they learn to administer a specific spinal adjustment. Considerable skill and dexterity are required to become proficient in the art of chiropractic spinal adjusting.

The primary treatment will be specific manual vertebral adjustments or manipulations. Particular attention will be paid to the area of your spine where a spinal dysfunction has been detected. These lesions (dysfunctions) of the spine are called subluxations.

Once these spinal areas have been adjusted (manipulated) to restore normal movement, the resulting change has a positive influence on your area complaint or pain.
The adjustment is given by hand. It consists of placing the patient on a precisely designed adjusting table and then applying specific pressure by hand, using precise and skilled chiropractic techniques, to the areas of the spine that are out of alignment or do not move within their normal range of motion.

The adjustment is given by hand. It consists of placing the patient on a precisely designed adjusting table and then applying specific pressure by hand, using precise and skilled chiropractic techniques, to the areas of the spine that are out of alignment or do not move within their normal range of motion.

Spinal manipulation is relieves pressure on joints, reduces inflammation, and improves nerve function. It has been a trusted form of treatment since the ancient Greek Hippocrates documented manipulative techniques in his writings back in 1500 B.C. Today, spinal manipulation is used to treat conditions such as allergies, low back pain, disc disorders, digestive dysfunction, and headaches.

What Is Chiropractic ?

Chiropractic care is a form of diagnosing and treating illnesses that affect the nerves, muscles, bones and joints of the body. Based on the principle that many diseases are influenced by abnormal nerve transmission, or “subluxation” caused by a misalignment of the spine. The nerves leave the spinal cord through openings between movable spinal bones called vertebrae. When vertebrae, through injury or posture problems, become misaligned they interfere with normal function of the nerves. This misalignment causes pain and malfunction of the nervous system. The subluxation then becomes the cause of pain.

The modern Chiropractor works both directly and indirectly with the nervous system. Every function of the body is under the control of this system. Every organ, tissue and cell is controlled by nerve impulses traveling from the brain to all parts of the body. Nerves make possible all movement. Nerves transmit all sensations to the brain. Nerves make possible all sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.

Chiropractic is a natural method of health care focusing on treating the causes of physical problems rather than the symptoms. It is a non-drug, non-surgical approach to health care utilizing gentle spinal manipulation therapy and allowing the body to heal itself naturally.

The objective of Chiropractic care is to determine, through X-ray films and through examination, the exact degree of spinal misalignment producing this subluxation. Proper “adjustments” are given to remove these subluxations and thus remove the cause of pain and malfunction.

Chiropractic has shown to be an effective and noninvasive treatment for acute and chronic low back pain, sciatica, neck pain, headaches, disc disorders, sports injuries, allergies and asthma.

The adjustment, or correction of a subluxation, is the means of care by the Chiropractor. An adjustment is an application of a precise force to restore the vertebrae to its natural position. Only a chiropractor has developed the expertise and understanding needed to know when, where and how to apply a spinal adjustment.

Our Location

100 W Roosevelt Rd., A4-104 | Wheaton, IL 60187

Hours Of Operation


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



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